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Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine

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Division Highlights

Elder Abuse

The NYC Elder Abuse Center’s Director is Co-Author of Nationally Acclaimed Elder Justice Roadmap Report

The NYC Elder Abuse Center Advances Elder JusticeElder abuse, neglect and exploitation affects one in ten older Americans which causes untold suffering for victims and costs billions of dollars. The costs are borne by individuals, families, public programs and communities. Elder abuse is a constellation of complex problems requiring a multipronged response from multiple systems and disciplines. In response, the New York City Elder Abuse Center (NYCEAC) was launched in 2009 to provide... Read More
Dr. Diamond discusses a case with two members of the Naggalama Hospital staff in Uganda.

Palliative Care: From NYC to Uganda

Dr. Randi Diamond, a faculty member of the New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center’s Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine and Director of the Liz Claiborne Center for Humanism in Medicine (LCCHM), is passionate about helping patients with chronic disease and life-threatening illnesses receive high-quality compassionate care from their health care professionals. Since the summer of 2013, Dr. Diamond has been helping develop palliative care services at Naggalama... Read More

Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine New York-Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell Medicine New York, NY